But now I'm going to actually use this blog. Can't speak for Owari, but I want to do something with it. Hence some updates. I made a banner for us. It's pretty bad, since I'm a Photoshop noob, but oh well. Owari made her own version which we may switch to, if she ever opts to upload it to the page. Also, we have an RSS feed now! Please subscribe? It won't take too long to do and is easier than checking for updates!
And now onto the actual content for today. I attended Anime Central 2009, which was the most fun I've ever had at a con, but I have nothing intelligent to say about it, so I probably won't post about it, unless someone really wants to hear about it. At Acen, I spent quite a bit of money. $50 of it went to a lovely new figure. That figure is Good Smile Company's Eri Sawachika (School Rumble). GSC put out this nice 1/8 scale figure in July of 2006. I didn't realize she was that old when I picked her up.
She looks quite nice, especially for her age. The colors are vivid and the details are quite nice as well.
I really like how the bottom of her shirt flares out as if it were blowing in the wind.
Her hair does the same. It's also shaded very well.
She also looks nice from the back.
A couple of my favorite shots.
Overall I have absolutely no complaints. I can't believe she was only $50, and that was after tax. Definitely worth it. She's not the easiest to find, but if you spot one, I'd certainly pick it up if she holds your interest even a little bit.
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